Jon Haitz Legarreta Gorroño

Results 128 comments of Jon Haitz Legarreta Gorroño

Notes: - Following - Test data is missing. I have used some local data. Suggestions on where a pair of bvals/bvecs should be fetched are welcome. - This has...

> I would prefer the first plot, but with a twist: it should render both the original b-vectors and where they land after head motion correction, possibly showing the glyph...

Cross-referencing PR #233.

A few candidates > 1. Use a different stopping criterion to perform the tracking process. Not sure about the result it would yield, and learners might not know how to...

Other candidates: - Changing the parameters of the tracking objects when instantiating them (e.g. angles, relative peak threshold, etc.). - Returning the seeds and visualizing them.

On hold for now following the information in Making this into a draft.

Thanks for the quick reply. I had already tried both suggestions to no avail.

> It may be because the workflow is being run in a different repository, default GitHub tokens created for workflows in forks may have limited permissions, though I'm not sure...

> Maybe not an ideal solution, but I suppose one way to test the workflow is by pushing it to the main/master branch of a fork. May look into that....

> May look into that. Thanks for suggesting. Did not work: it showed the `README` page. The `gh-pages` branch contained the right content, with the `index.html` being the landing page...