So I have been trying to build the latest version: https://github.com/Placenote/PlacenoteSDK-iOS/releases/download/v1.7/PlacenoteSDKExample.tar.gz I'm using the tar file to avoid the git lfs issues previously mentioned. After untar, and 'pod install' and...
Hi. Thanks for all the work you have put into this!! I tried your scripts, and it seems like they work, but windows refuses to use, has anything changed ?...
Thank you! I did some modifications where NavController sends commands to a rover by examining the currently used waypoint. However, it almost feels like walking around works better than when...
Hi So after spending some time looking over the WWDC videos for ARKit I then googled ARKit for robotics and this was the top result! Seems like a very promising...
Thanks for creating the plugin! However, it seems its not correct when unzipping binary files. I tried creating a random file, and when comparing the original file with the unzipped...
At least in the windows version it seems you can't extract into the same directory as where the zip file is ? In my case it would make more sense...
The app builds and runs, but never finds the dock using the adapter I have. However, I managed to squeeze in an old iPad (with the 30pin connector), and then...