Jeff Hedfors
Jeff Hedfors
As the file is cached, the only information I would like to see is file quality and size. It would be great if we had the option to hide the...
If possible, it would be nice to customize the tab name (currently matching addon name) and short name that is displayed with file link (currently "nightcraw \n ler"). The original...
For cached content, I would like to hide unnecessary information such as file name, seeders, and original source. To accomplish this I would suggest the following: 1. Move file size...
Rather than use the Accessibility function to change my default launcher (as enabling Accessibility causes other issues for me), I currently use LAUNCHER MANAGER (Android TV) to set my default...
@spocky Just like we have the "Show connectivity" option to show the Network & Internet shortcut in the status bar, I would like to have a "Bluetooth devices" option to...