**Checklist** - Have you pulled and found the error with `jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest` docker image? **No** - Are you sure you're not using someone else's docker image? **Yes** - Have you searched...
Removed 8.0 and 8.1 from exclude as its is supported by Ioncube 12
### (Optional) Error message _No response_ ### What went wrong? Ioncube 12 supports PHP 8.0 and 8.1 please add it :) ### Expected behaviour N/A ### How can we reproduce...
### What happened? I have made a OTA update but now its shows AAAABBBBCCCCDDDD on some of the devices, its a mix of the new hardware version and the old...
Its possible to buildin a autoupdater function in the Windows version like the one from Chrome?