Kapil Pancholi
Kapil Pancholi
Hi @AndreasSchacherbauerWikitude, Thanks for the reply. It's your example only. I just downloaded it and tried to run using cordova plugin.
Yes, I checked console in chrome but no error. Console only shows the message "Received Event: deviceready" May I'm doing something wrong but don't know what.
It's downloaded from the link which i mentioned above. And below is the build log, copied from console. Please check. ``` E:\JP\PhoneGAP\Wikitude 30 Examples\wikitude-sdk-samples\04_InstantTracking_2_3DModels\CordovaProject>cordova build ANDROID_HOME=C:\Users\jiten\AppData\Local\Android\sdk JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_45 Subproject Path:...