Jackson Haenchen
Jackson Haenchen
Where'd we end up here?
>I don’t even code in python any more But I do! My unit tests are leaving an open socket and I think it's partially related to backoff using async code...
You'll need to put an interval in your code right after you get the registration. Have it call .update on the registration. Set a window global property to be a...
This is still an issue
And yet I have the exact opposite situation where auto-join spamming is causing me to be banned from channels.
Changed to https in https://github.com/pcottle/MSWorddit/pull/2
Bad URL is http://msworddit.com
How's it going? Fight the local home management fight!
Can be found at this line: https://github.com/troyth/node-raspicam/blob/9e1a8f7735c775e3662421c6e2e88f09709e7fe7/lib/raspicam.js#L191 Just comment that out.