Jason Haag
Jason Haag
We have some example statements using JSON-LD @context here: https://github.com/adlnet/xapi-ontology. But from what we've heard from the community...moving from JSON to JSON-LD would likely be a breaking change. So we...
Russell has been a huge help in advising the vocab group on using linked data for xAPI vocabularies this past year and it is a good first step for us....
I think another point that is important in this is the practice of good IRI design and persistence. We plan to incorporate this in a draft companion spec for xAPI...
You will need to notify ADL, https://adlnet.gov In the meantime, I have found this resource from Torrance Learning to be a useful alternative when the ADL server is occasionally down:...
Thanks @fugu13 . This was an early attempt to try and show a JSON-LD context with a simple statement (current version of xAPI) vs. future version where we might add...
And keep in mind the @context should be created based on what we envision being supported in terms of JSON-LD in a future version of the spec, not the current...
Thanks for the feedback. How is Actor, Verb, and Object being used as properties? Can you elaborate?
What are you trying to do exactly? Plugging an xAPI statement into JSON-LD playground is not going to tell you much as xAPI statements are not structured the same as...
Thanks Alex. Feel free to submit suggestions to fixing or improving the @context. I'll try to take a look too later this week, but haven't even looked at this in...
Including @jmkevan @liveaspankaj on this. Thanks gents for the mention. My replies are below. I would totally love to see us work together so the xAPI video profile is supported...