Jacob Gulotta
Jacob Gulotta
We just ran into this issue due to the silent change in semantics between 3.5 and 3.6, and this is not the first null/nothing change that has bitten us with...
It does not appear solved for me ``` > dependencyUpdates [info] Done checking. [info] ---------------------------------- Global Plugins ---------------------------------- [success ] org.jmotor.sbt:sbt-dependency-updates:1.2.7 √ [error ] io.spray:sbt-revolver:0.9.1 Too many connections: 100 Too...
Any chance this can be reopened?
This happens to me on all projects starting around 7 dependencies, usually after SBT is first launched. I have a few global plugins ``` addSbtPlugin("org.jmotor.sbt" % "sbt-dependency-updates" % "1.2.7") //...
It seems indeed the stream is interrupted externally not running forever, and I was also unclear on the fact that such interruption is not caught by `foldCauseZIO`. > The server...
I'm certain that PR is functionally correct in as much as forking the fiber will always allow the stream to process chunks that get emitted to it during the callback...
Actually seems I'm still having the issue which motivated this report, even incorporating the forked fiber from the other MR, and it turns out I had not isolated the cause...
In the general case where one can pass in an arbitrary input and/or output stream, you're right, the behavior through the interface is unspecified. In this specific case that is...