Jason Gillman Jr.
Jason Gillman Jr.
Adjusted the test to account for the fact that getLength() will be returning the relation count, and won't be context dependant.
It seems like 'id' would be a unique property, so I'm not sure why multiple nodes would have it.. Still, have you tried dropping the single quotes so it's just...
Alex, In this case, I was just using VIM. This was done on my Linux workstation. The files came up as modified after I cloned the repo to my workstation.
From glancing at the source, it looks as though this is actually an option, rather than a method. You'll see this at [Line 444-466](https://github.com/aehlke/tag-it/blob/758ed8933f54ad7d6d31e40e2761fc04a68507ba/js/tag-it.js#L444-446)