Using test program at http://mdfs.net/temp/vdata.zip Unzip, will give: ViewData Acorn tokenised BASIC program 0 Teletext page file From Brandy, CHAIN "ViewData". Teletext test page displayed ok. Press Escape. Gives error:...
Is there a reason for GET/GET$/INKEY/INKEY$ and elsewhere to use constructions like this? do { ch=emulate_get() & 0xFF; } while (ch==0); It means that Ctrl-@ is never passed back to...
The BS key returns $08, the same as the LEFT cursor key. It is functionally the DELETE key not the LEFT key. It should return $7F, the same as the...
Some MODE numbers are wrong What is MODE 2 should be MODE 1
I don't know how accurately the emulators I'm using match real hardware, so I could do with some real hardware test information. Hours online tracking down documentation hasn't been much...
Many platforms have the concept of a "library" directory where runned programs can be searched for from a common central location. eg Unix /bin, /usr/bin eg DOS SET PATH=C:\DOS;C:\BIN eg...
See great resource: http://mdfs.net/Docs/Comp/Unix/pdp11/SYSCalls should be: See great resource: http://mdfs.net/Docs/Comp/PDP11/Unix/SYSCalls ie, two path components have been swapped.
I'm not sure if this should be written up as an issue in the absense of anywhere looking like a "discussion" area. Feel free to close this and move the...
Still investigating how to let control characters typed by the user get through to the emulation. Most browsers block this and redirect the keypress to browser functions, resulting in such...