
Results 6 issues of James

Hi Nick, My new CV using your package is coming along nicely. But one problem I have with it is re-formatting, specifically when trying to tweak the sidebar, e.g. moving...

Good for WIKI

Hi @nstrayer , I can reproduce your entire CV apart from one thing - the language skill bars aren't visible: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8484188/82955171-23122280-9fa6-11ea-8c46-30f1aa6d8e01.png) However, if I click and drag on where they...


Hi! I'm getting the following error when running df02.py (df01.py worked fine) - any advice please? `(beam_env) jgammerman@cloudshell:~/data-science-on-gcp/04_streaming/transform (peppy-booth-371612)$ python3 ./df02.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "apache_beam/runners/common.py", line 1417,...

Hello, Excellent book so far, but a problem I've been having is uploading the 2015 CSVs from my cloud storage bucket to BigQuery. Both the ch2 and ch3 READMEs just...

Hello, So on p.338 of the book it says: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8484188/218809208-d8b90fb4-36b0-41eb-bf9b-03187670438a.png) But when I run this I get the following error: ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/jgammerman/data-science-on-gcp/10_mlops/model.py", line 331,...

Hi @lakshmanok - loving the book! I'm on chapter 9 now and I've encountered an error I can't debug. In the section _Preparing BigQuery data for Tensorflow_, (p.315), there's a...