John M. Gamble
John M. Gamble
There are other sites that seem to maintain their independence despite taking contributions in either hosting, work-hours, or actual money. I think that as long as you set down what...
Is it still this way? The last time I hit ++ on a package, it took a day or two to register.
I just checked in Firefox, and using Cntrl-+ and Cntrl-- (control plus and control minus) worked just fine. Are you only using Chrome, or did you test on other browsers?
I had no idea about the make_immutable method. First, thank you. Second, I had to search with a few keywords, could a direct link be provided, like to ?
Somewhat related: Am I missing something, or has the paragraph explaining how to join a mailing list been accidentally edited out of the lists pages? I've looked at both the...
It is the author's choice to change the minimum Perl version -- always has been (see the options on module-starter). The proposed change is for the people who have opted...