Jeremy Gale
Jeremy Gale
You can use the `ExplicitNull` annotation to do what you want: ``` struct TestModel: Codable { let id: String @ExplicitNull let optionalField: String? } ```
> Or maybe the number of parameters - anything more than 3 could be multiline My preference would be number of characters, sometimes thing have long names or short names...
I came across this [Auth0 documentation on how they implement Sign in with Apple]( without a browser-based flow. It shows the sequence diagram that could work. Obviously this would be...
For me, it works very reliably in the simulator but only occasionally on the device on iOS 6. I don't think I've ever seen it on the iPad, I see...
Thanks for the tip! You are right, my demo project works 100% of the time but it's very sporadic when integrated into my real app. At least that gives me...
Interesting, your approach is a lot cleaner. It has a few problems that makes it not work for me though: - Most importantly, it doesn't work with iPad, because I...
However, after playing around with this I realized why the animation wasn't working on my own real app. I was using an animation duration of 0.5, and it just wouldn't...
Sure, happy to elaborate. We aren't using SSO for a social login or anything like that. It's used to log in to a secure, financial-based application which doesn't even allow...
I second this request, for a minor reason: * I need the AWS Amplify SDK, and use it via SPM * AWS Amplify SDK depends on this package (`aws-appsync-realtime-client-ios`) *...
Thanks for the detailed reply @lawmicha. Now that it's been upgraded to Starscream 4.0.4, my `swift-nio-zlib-support` warning is gone so I am happy. Thank you! I can't speak to @pokryfka...