Jonathan Gagné
Jonathan Gagné
@VChristiaens In Line 29 of the tutorial (, I was unable to run: `from utils import filter_reader`
I would define unit_obs='si' inside of the block [38] in the tutorials since this is the first place where it is used
I get an error when launching line [38] in the tutorial: ``` res = mcmc_spec_sampling(lbda, spec, spec_err, d_st, dlbda_obs=dlbda, units_obs=units_obs, **instru_params, **mcmc_params, **conv_params, **model_params) ``` ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'utils'...
I had a similar issue, however, regardless of whether I use 'spawn' or 'fork', I need to add "force=True", otherwise I get the following error message: raise RuntimeError('context has already...