Jonathan Foster
Jonathan Foster
Hey @astrofrog -- can you take a look at this solution? It's not... ideal, but it basically works. Basically I have a `Join_Link(LinkCollection)` object that represents the join_on_key operation and...
I assume you would like to be rebase and add a changelog entry when this is good-to-go?
Ok -- I'm working on a PR doing the short-term/easy thing of just adding another link type == "join" in the current UI with a different line type. The basic...
This is also true for the `gradient` property of a Heatmap layer. Updating `locations` DOES update the view. A crude work-around is to remove the layer, update `gradient` or `radius`...
Thanks @davidbrochart -- as we discussed offline, I'm having trouble getting a new vector layer to serve through voila on a remote server. You suggested the following: Pass `get_base_url` to...
I also get this odd behavior when I am running this locally on my Mac versus (remotely) on Ubuntu. Serving the notebook notebook from Linux I get the expected behavior,...
Another request -- it would be nice to be able to fiddle with the size of point-like data. Currently, points end up very small and can be hard to see....
Hey @davidbrochart -- here are the issues I was talking about offline. 1) Fails to deal with no data in the viewport If the user moves the map outside of...
2. Fails to deal with E/W longitude swap Again, on the vector.ipynb notebook if you specify the starting map location as positive longitude m = Map(center=(40.74427755695474, 286), zoom=11, basemap=basemaps.CartoDB.DarkMatter, interpolation='nearest')...
Thanks for your quick response David -- indeed Issue 1 goes away in a new up-to-date env, and Issue 2 goes away for me too with the new ipyleaflet version!