Jean-Francois Lucier
Jean-Francois Lucier
Hi, when I run this command: ``` python ${OF_SCRIPTS}/ \ ${IN} \ ${OUT} \ --uniprot_database_path /tank/jflucier/mmseqs_dbs/uniprot/uniprot.fasta \ --jackhmmer_binary_path jackhmmer ``` I get this warning: `WARNING:root:More than one input_sequence found in...
My opinion: an easy way to add this info would be to include it on the documentation export of the ReportCli. tks for your response Marc, very appreciated.
Hi again, Thank you very much for your awesome support. I have rerun colabfold_search and remove template option: ``` colabfold_search \ --threads 32 --use-env 1 --db-load-mode 0 \ --mmseqs mmseqs...
Hi @allcatsaregrey I managed to get environment working by rebuilding it from scratch. Attache is my environment file [venv.colabfold.af2.3.2.requirements.txt](
Hi, I essentially noticed the same observation that were posted in this issue. To sum it up: 1. when I remove _temp_dir an specify n_cpu>1, it sucessfully creates bed and...