Josh Holbrook

Results 51 issues of Josh Holbrook

I just straight up don't have the time to properly support, and I don't think Max does either. It seems like a lot of people are depending on this... doesn't have any special support for transforms right now. I suppose the build env would need to have a sane list of supported transforms installed?

``` [22:41] < ogd> jfhbrook: yea with curl anything with -H "Origin:" should return access-* headers ```

right now, the builder doesn't get the registry passed to it, and therefore uses the default. I don't think anyone is configuring this right now so it's not a huge...

Right now, has two purge route codepaths. At some point, Max added an "admin" interface which uses GETs to implement purges. Later, without paying much attention, I added unguarded...

Logging right now is a bit of a hodgepodge. Fundamentally, the right things are being logged so this is relatively low priority, but some ideas: 1) Can _all_ logging output...

Right now, trying to browserify hoarders (for example, if it were on npm) would have Bad Consequences.

Related to #138. Bundles can be kinda big. It might be a good idea to store them on s3 instead of redis or leveldb, but it's hard to say. Having...

Redis will enable horizontal scaling, which is nice. There's the possibility of making an abstraction around redis/leveldb so that we can swap between cache implementations, but this might be overkill...

stringify-error and friends should be spun out into proper views abstractions. This would also entail replacing the existing process for templating the README.