John Feltz
John Feltz
Yes, I was trying to diagnose my problem, and I assumed it was a read only op.
Oh ya, I see what you mean, sorry, late night I guess. Let me try this again: The first output is from: ``` hoogle dump .hoogle/haddock.hoo ``` The rest still...
Emailed, also just for some probably unrelated context, I'm trying to pipe my cabal config through a script that creates a hoogle db specific to cabal project dependencies.
Thanks. Is there a comprehensive, accurate reference/guide to flags anywhere? This is the closest thing I've found:
Okay, Sorry, I'm still not sure if --d is working: ``` jpf@dev3:~$ hoogle --d=~/.hoogle +haddock flag Could not find some databases: haddock Searching in: . ~/.hoogle /home/jpf/.cabal/share/x86_64-linux-ghc-7.8.3/hoogle-4.2.34/databases Either the package...
Also works with: ``` jpf@dev3:~$ hoogle --d=/home/jpf/.hoogle +haddock flag ``` When ran outside of .hoogle. It seems that --d doesn't like ~/ style paths.
jpf@dev3:~/.hoogle$ echo --d=~/ --d=~/ jpf@dev3:~/.hoogle$ echo ~ /home/jpf jpf@dev3:~/.hoogle$ echo ~/.hoogle /home/jpf/.hoogle jpf@dev3:~/.hoogle$ bash --version GNU bash, version 4.3.11(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
It shouldn't require a sandbox to function. This is a huge bug. Thanks for reporting.
Let me know if the latest commit works for you.
Possibly. Right now dash-haskell uses cabal as its back-end for looking up databases, and I'm now considering putting in a fallback to a custom indexer similar to that used in...