Jared Frazier

Results 5 issues of Jared Frazier

Hello, I am using the pretrained MusicVAE to decode an arbitrary latent space z from `numpy.random.randn(batch, latent_dims)`. After decoding, I re-encode the NoteSequence to extract z, mu, and sigma. The...

As far as I can tell, preconditioning using domain decomposition methods is not something that seems to be supported. Is this something that is within the scope of `Ferrite.jl`? Of...


As can be seen below, and based on our discussion on 2024-04-02, the sequential two level mesh for the periodic puzzle piece appears to have issues at the interface. The...

Commit 539e79b371fefd02372bcb5343b4f9c0a35e71ef adds two new vectors: `coarse_cell_permuted_fine_node_to_final_node` (this was originally called `coarse_cell_fine_node_to_final_node` but I renamed it) and `coarse_cell_unpermuted_fine_node_to_final_node`. The `coarse_cell_unpermuted_fine_node_to_final_node` is used to get the coordinate mapping of fine nodes;...

Question regarding the branch https://github.com/fverdugo/GalerkinToolkit.jl/tree/parallel_two_level_mesh, `src/geometry.jl`: To properly visualize the `final_mesh::PMesh`, I think I need to have the the 0-dimensional and 1-dimensional face partition info. Currently the 2-dimensional face partition...