Suggestion to implement . Need to investigate.
We can have negative prompts in Stable Diffusion new api, and should use them
Would be another nice way to implement and might also help with some environmental issues.
While having fallback constant variables in the config loading is useful to ensure program still runs, it is hard to pin down an issue if it involves a configuration failure...
As pijuice has 3 buttons, could have additional functions run from each. * Function to delete last image and fetch a new one to avoid garbage being saved and used...
Look into whether pijuice can be configured to power off after a certain amount of time, or if we can run an additional process to do this. Just as a...
Old solution no longer works as Stability-sdk requires a newer version of grpcio than 1.44.0.
Run web interface to allow all config to be handled through web rather than text file. Other functions from web interface * run pycasso * choose pictures to display *...