Jesse Nickles
Jesse Nickles
I mention this because we have discussed in the past defining custom URLs in `ss-config` for skip caching... and in the future, I'm guessing some users will want that feature...
Thank you @radeno for this interesting suggestion. Yes, you're right. It is a bit silly that WP Core cannot check if a plugin is installed already as a MU (Must-Use)...
> And that is point. Mu-plugins are not loaded in the same way as regular plugins and your script emulate that behavior. I think WP should know which plugins are...
Thanks for the feedback @kidharb To be honest I haven't even had time to go through the script released by @backamblock yet but I think he meant for it to...
Quick side note that I've been playing with these settings in `ss-config` on some bbPress forum servers, and it seems to be working great so far... no other changes were...
Roots Trellis uses 5-second cache apparently:
Another potential approach here might be requiring user authentication via /wp-admin/ before access to adminer.php is allowed, but I'm not sure if that would introduce as many drawbacks as benefits,...
(below response copied [from here]( Disappointing to see the default pipe `|` separator being used. The dash `-` is by far the most common title separator on the web, and...
@tabasko78 The vast majority of websites are using dashes `-` for the title delimiter, not pipes. In any case the fact that several industry figures disagree here is reason to...
I've added this now, feedback desired: It should work on all 3 environments (production, staging, dev). If you use this feature and it works well for you,...