Jesse Nickles
Jesse Nickles
Thanks for the feedback @skilver-io Since the underlying issue here is about global PHP constants, and not really about Sentry, I changed the title. By the way, Sentry looks really...
Here's what I'm thinking maybe at the bottom of `wp-config.php` to conditionally load something: ``` $custom_functions = '/var/www/html/wp-content/custom-functions.php'; is_file($custom_functions) AND include $custom_functions; ``` A few years ago LittleBizzy had a...
Thanks for your feedback on this @blakepb The reason why we install Adminer by default is because we aim to make SlickStack as easy to use as possible for newbies...
In summary: We use SSL, rate-limiting (anti-brute force), and single site per server already (isolation), and the default passwords that SlickStack generates for database users are pretty strong. Right now...
@Bronislawsky It is something that I've thought about since the beginning, however I'm not sure what the best approach would be. Obviously yes, including every single common URI slug in...
As an aside, I mentioned this on the Pull Request but to begin considering support for 100 languages we should probably move the skip cache rules into a new Nginx...
I don't know yet how to implement, but here's an example file: By separating files like this, it makes it easier for users to contribute spelling fixes and other...
Thanks for the feedback @backamblock I guess the bigger question is "will you really have 2000 people per second loading your pages" and for most WordPress sites on a $5...
Thanks for the kind words! About Redis object cache plugin, we have been force installing as a drop-in plugin the past few years. However, we've been discussing this recently because...