
Results 9 issues of jessicalumian

hi! I'm having problems installing sgc on a fresh ec2. This could be user error. AMI: Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type Instance Type: r4.large Followed installs here:...

From sourmash gather command line output, what is `avg_abund`? (I believe this is `average_abund` in the gather csv output). Is it the depth of coverage of matching hashes between query...

Hello! I am working on replicating some (amazing) work from Taylor's [IBD project]( I have signatures from `sourmash sketch dna` of metagenome samples. I would like to remove k-mers that...


I am interested in using RefSeq as a Kraken database and supplementing it with sequences from Genbank. If there are multiple sequences from closely related organisms in the database, will...

Hello! I'm using v0.9.3 I got an error in the `rule extract_leftover_reads_wc` step. yml: ``` samples: - ckd_AA_RX_25_31201053301001_LP_550_C1_L2_R128 outdir: outputs.ckd/ sourmash_databases: - /home/jupyter-jessica/databases/ - /home/jupyter-jessica/databases/ - /home/jupyter-jessica/databases/ - /home/jupyter-jessica/databases/ prevent_sra_download:...

Hello I have some questions! 1. How can I modify the gather hashes vs mapped bp graph to show more than 60 genomes? 2. How can I see the number...

whenever i have run my own metagenomes following [this](, I don't move the actual metagenomes into the `trim/` directory because they're already on farm somewhere else and they're big. I...

I've been running grist with a custom list of metagenomes. I removed a few metagenomes and ran `clean_gather` but got some errors, and found all the directories in my output...

I ran the following commands while following the page to configure my own [genome-grist project]( ``` python -m genome_grist.copy_local_genomes databases/antarctic/*.fa -o databases/ -d databases/antarctic.d python -m genome_grist.make_info_file databases/ ``` I...