**Logical Flows** - [ ] Determine whether edit button should be displayed - [ ] Identify the list of users which have the ability to edit flows across all applications...
``` with default_permissions as ( select distinct pgi.parent_kind, pgi.subject_kind, pgi.qualifier_kind, pgi.qualifier_id, i.entity_id, from permission_group_involvement pgi inner join involvement_group_entry ige on pgi.involvement_group_id = ige.involvement_group_id inner join permission_group pg on pgi.permission_group_id...
There are the following tables in Waltz which could be modified to accommodate these changes: - entity_workflow_definition - entity_workflow_state - entity_workflow_transition Most likely by creating a new table to track...
Proposed tables: ## workflow_definition Attribute | Type | Description -- | -- | -- id | Long | Sequential identifier name | String | name description | String | description...
# Example Rules ## Records Mgmt **Initialisation** ``` switch case: - Pred: App in development && has no survey issued && is not euda - State: INITIAL_SURVEY_ISSUED/IN_PROGRESS - Side-effect: issueSurvey("INIT")...
Something like:? ``` select a.asset_code,, cl.message,, involvement from change_log cl inner join person p on cl.user_id = and p.is_removed = 0 inner join application a on...
Hello 👋
Appears to open to column editor tab, upon navigating back to grids tab it is in the picker