@kachkaev I replied the following in related tread that also had problems with deploying to subdir but has yet to get a response there. We have made changes to how...
Ah I see, haven't tried that. `docz` is using [`--prefix-paths`]( internally for it so it is handled by that then if it is handled.
Hey, would you be able to create a minimal repo where this is reproduced? As I am not sure what the error is? What you expect to happen and what...
Hey, also not able to deploy to Heroku via the button in the README. Couldn't see the whole error log on Heroku so I tried setting it up locally. The...
@shaunburdick cloned it same day as I wrote the comment.`moment-timezone` is in both `package.json` and in `node-modules` and required right in `bot.js`.
Closing as I think you wanted to open a Pull Request to your own fork and not the upstream repository.
@korbinianfritsch Not sure how helpful this is after more than 2 years after the issue was opened. The code doesn't detect that the nested brackets inside of the `@keyframes` isn't...