Jesper Landberg
Jesper Landberg
@idiotWu scroll wheel is not loggin anything to the console when i console.log(delta, fromEvent), however swiping left/right on my touchpad does. What I'm trying to archive is exactly this
@idiotWu thanks, but same issue. Scrollbar is initalised but it doesnt listen to scrollwheel or vertical scrolling on the touchpad.
@thelucre hi. A major update will come within a week, along with the release:)
@azazdeaz Is it possible to get an example on how would be done using es6 and React.Component? Not the full demo just the componentEnter and componentLeave + animation functions...
@azazdeaz thanks for the quick reply. Would you mind checking what is wrong here? the routing works but nothing is animated, do I have do define the animation functions outside...
@azazdeaz hmm I think the tweens are fine (it's from 0 on animateIn =) ), however the enter/leave methods doesn't seem to fire, put a console.log inside them which isnt...