
Results 11 issues of jesnagifto

- Laravel Version: #.#.# - PHP Version: - Laravel-admin: #.#.# ### Description: my controller code is $form->table('matching_profile','Matching Profile Details', function ($table) { $table->text('Matching Profile Id')->rules('required'); $table->text('Matching Profile Name')->rules('required'); $table->datetime('data_date_time')->default(today()->format('d-m-Y H:m...

- Laravel Version: #.#.# - PHP Version: - Laravel-admin: #.#.# ### Description: ![Screenshot 2023-11-29 144150]( ![Screenshot 2023-11-29 144213]( ### Steps To Reproduce:

- Laravel Version: #.#.# - PHP Version: - Laravel-admin: #.#.# ### Description: 'lifetime' => env('SESSION_LIFETIME', 3), 'expire_on_close' => true, ### Steps To Reproduce: please help me fast..very urgent

- Laravel Version: #.#.# - PHP Version: - Laravel-admin: #.#.# ### Description: $grid->column('user_id', __('Details'))->modal('operations', function ($model) { $comments = $model->Operations()->take(10)->get()->map(function ($comment) { return $comment->only(['id', 'fishname', 'location', 'image']); }); return new...

- Laravel Version: #.#.# - PHP Version: - Laravel-admin: #.#.# ### Description: my code is protected function form($id = null) { return Admin::form(Catchsummary::class, function (Form $form) use($id){ $form->model()->id; $form->datetime('tripST', __('Start...

- Laravel Version: "^8.83", - PHP Version:"^8.0.2|^8.2.4", - Laravel-admin: "^1.8" ### Description: not get current location for google map app/admin/bootstrap.php Encore\Admin\Form::extend('map', Encore\Admin\Form\Field\Map::class); config/admin.php 'extensions' => [ 'latlong' => [ //...

- Laravel Version: #.#.# - PHP Version: - Laravel-admin: #.#.# ### Description: $grid->column('user_id', __('Details'))->modal('operations', function ($model) { $comments = $model->Operations()->take(10)->get()->map(function ($comment) { return $comment->only(['id', 'fishname', 'location', 'image']); }); return new...

- Laravel Version: #.#.# - PHP Version: - Laravel-admin: #.#.# ### Description: $grid->column('Details')->modal('operations', function ($model) { $comments = $model->Operations()->take(10)->get()->map(function ($comment) { return $comment->only(['id', 'location', 'image']); }); return new Table(['ID', 'Fishname',...

- Laravel Version: #.#.# - PHP Version: - Laravel-admin: #.#.# ### Description: ### Steps To Reproduce:

- Laravel Version:"^8.83" - PHP Version:"^8.0.2|^8.2.4" - Laravel-admin:"^1.8" ### Description: public function brands(Request $request) { $brand = $request->get('q'); $brandNames = Brand_category::where('category_id', $brand) ->join('brands', 'brand_category.brands_id', '=', '') ->get(['brands_id', DB::raw('brand_name as text')]);...