James Leslie

Results 10 comments of James Leslie

As a temporary fix, you can add the following to you config file, replaceing doom-palenight with your chosen theme. `(add-hook 'server-after-make-frame-hook '(lambda () (load-theme 'doom-palenight t)))` This will fix your...

My related setup is the following: ``` (use-package solaire-mode :defer t :custom (solaire-global-mode +1) ) (use-package doom-themes :defer t :hook (server-after-make-frame . (lambda () (load-theme 'doom-palenight t))) ) ``` Using...

How does one go about referencing the Agda icon? I think it should correspond to "\x1315a", but whenever I view the corresponding icon in emacs, I just see the normal...

I think I might be able to help fix this problem. I know this is four years later, but it would be useful to know what version of Emacs you...

I am having the same issue with remote projects also.

I'm using Emacs 29.0.50. I will make a minimal working example and see if it fails there, however I have done the following tests to see when it works: -...

Even with a minimal working example, I get the same results as above. I also have noticed that after the first time I launch emacs and enter my ssh key...

One last thing, using my minimal example, I am prompted for my ssh passphrase when using Emacs 28.2 also. I am also asked for passphrase for the /ssh:user@localhost: bookmark. I...

I noticed I was having the same issue with consult-dir and remote files. It seems like the issue is caused by using file-directory-p. https://github.com/karthink/consult-dir/pull/22

@eth0rnhill did you mention this to the HLS devs?