Jeshan Giovanni BABOOA

Results 24 comments of Jeshan Giovanni BABOOA

OK I'm taking a look now. Since I have zero experience with mypy, can you show me how I would quickly test a fix? (Dumb it down for me)

> ... is supposed to be an instance of the class `Filter` Also, tell me how did mypy come to know about the `Filter` type? It's `Dict` based on the...

Thanks for reporting this and being a botostubs user. You probably did it right but I think you'd get the problem without botostubs. Can you confirm that for me? _This...

Hello Julio, botostubs does support paginators. You have to declare the type hint just like client classes. Try this: ```python paginator = org_client.get_paginator("list_policies") # type: botostubs.Organizations.ListPoliciesPaginator ```

> I would prefer it would figure that out automatically Yeah but I only included type hints that will work in many IDEs. Such feature that you're describing needs expertise...

Hello Julio, I am not familiar with building VS code extensions. Are you willing to contribute that? We'll need an automated way to publish new versions of the extension so...

I have fixed this but only partially. The bug exists in upstream and I'm not super familiar with it

Hey @falnyr @natefox . Appreciate your input; this slipped under my radar. I just fixed an issue where the javascript file was not being updated. Please try it out and...

In my [botostubs]( project, I handle this with one curl command. It should be available in the container that runs the action right? Otherwise, I suppose you could add it...