There is another problem: using setup on the script tag, the console reports an error. And no results are displayed in the preview area. ```html {{ helloWorld }} const helloWorld...
can not use unocss with `vite: false` ``` vite: false, build: { // node_modules/@nuxt/schema/dist/index.d.ts 2239 plugins: [ UnoCSS({ presets: [ presetTypography(), presetAttributify(), presetIcons(), ], }), ], }, ```
需要将``` import { Button } from 'antd-mobile';``` 改成 ``` import { Button } from 'antd-mobile/es';``` , test才正常通过,但是run dev没问题
I got same issue
> We just merged a fix that address: > > * Error on deleting a `script` or `style` tag; > * Support for ``; > > Here's a sandbox: https://codesandbox.io/s/charming-turing-oe2n17?file=/src/App.vue...
can not use unocss with `vite: false` ``` vite: false, build: { // node_modules/@nuxt/schema/dist/index.d.ts 2239 plugins: [ UnoCSS({ presets: [ presetTypography(), presetAttributify(), presetIcons(), ], }), ], }, ```
Sorry, I can not reproduce it, it is my code: ```html import { ref } from 'vue'; import { toast } from 'vue3-toastify'; import 'vue3-toastify/dist/index.css'; const toastId = ref('') const...
是问题呀?举个实际的例子: --- @JackLian 我的需求是,对左侧内容双击可以开启markdown编辑器,而不是通过右侧属性框去编辑,太麻烦了 这样的话,我就需要在该物料组件内部修改prop,然而prop在物料组件内部是无法直接修改的 我的问题是:能否提供一个让我去在物料组件内部修改prop的接口(日常开发都是父组件传onChange给子组件,子组件调用)
> 无法提供这种能力,物料不建议跟外部有耦合,会带来很多问题 那我怎么实现这个需求?我这边需要双击开启markdown编辑 @JackLian
如何在物料组件内部修改它自身定义的props, 很重要!!!!!!! 比如组件内部定义了个props: articleInfo ---> string, 并且包含按钮,点击之后更新articleInfo