Jerry Wang
Jerry Wang
what do you mean? I'm trying to look for a way to start gonvim from command line, e.g. to open in VS code, just run ``` code . ``` but...
you are right, I just found it worked in .vim file, but not in my html / typescript files, I installed other plugins like htm5,coc.nvim,etc. not sure which one blocked...
I knew this was not related to this topic, I have been trying to configure it, but for now when I pressed 'enter' to open a file, it just took...
@taigacute thank you so much, that's what I'm looking for nnoremap s defx#do_action('open', 'botright vsplit')
If there is wiki or readme on how to use this, it will help a lot. I want to know: * How to start * How to debug for now,...