Jeroen Boumans
Jeroen Boumans
When will this be merged? Still waiting for my Hyperpixel/PiHole setup to become more awesome :)
> I added the console height and width output to the piHoleVersion file that gets generated on boot. If someone that has a hyperpixel display can run the script in...
@Kerdic that is correct. It showed the PiHole logo as can be seen in this [photo](
Looking [good]( 👍
@giuliomagnifico didn't change anything to the font/style settings. My output running the command (i'm guessing this is not setup by default): ```bash ACTIVE_CONSOLES="/dev/tty[1-6]" CHARMAP="UTF-8" CODESET="guess" FONTFACE="" FONTSIZE="" VIDEOMODE= ```
@giuliomagnifico Applied the 8x18 through the setup but now some weird behaviour happens at the bottom. Looks like it also switches back to the _Regular_ size as can be seen...
> maybe try to change the console_height in line 927 to 26. That did it :)
Any ideas on when this will be merged with master?
Still having the same issue. Would like to update the Picasso plugin to the newest version for using Picasso.get(). Can this still be fixed @efrohnhoefer ?