Jeremy Worboys
Jeremy Worboys
The line @fatso83 linked is only for locating the starting file. The file lookup is handled by the [Kit.prototype._findFile]( method. It would be simple enough to add an optional parameter...
The current findFile implementation only checks the following in this order: | Line | Type | Variant | Example | | --- | --- | --- | --- | |...
ST2 is my primary editor. The main thing I was trying to figure out was how you would to run it. I will take a look at the Prefixr plugin...
So the workflow would be: **CSS** 1. Write CSS 2. Press shortcut to run Sassy Media 3. Sassy Media outputs new CSS **SCSS/SASS** 1. Write SCSS/SASS 2. Run build script...
You're right. I'll look into creating the basic keyboard command system first and then expand from there.
I am currently without an office setup so I can't test whether this solution will work or not, but you should be able to put a set of empty media...
I had a feeling it may not. If you are any good with python have a go at implementing the flag and submit a pull request. Otherwise I'll try to...
The issue I am having is with the `php_namespace_insert_namespace` command. My `composer.json` looks like this: ``` json { [...] "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Jeremyworboys\\Package\\": "src" } }, [...] } ```...