Jeremy Towne
Jeremy Towne
this template: ``` block header style. body { margin: 0; } ``` will generate like (2 extra spaces before `style`): ``` block header style. body { margin: 0; } ```...
They all fail to load with this error: ``` Unexpected error while loading ./stories/Button.stories.tsx: $RefreshReg$ is not defined ReferenceError: $RefreshReg$ is not defined at ./src/stories/Button.tsx (http://localhost:6006/main.iframe.bundle.js:703:1) at __webpack_require__ (http://localhost:6006/runtime~main.iframe.bundle.js:28:33) at...
* fixing an issue where the displayname was not being added to functional components that returned conditionals Ex: If we have some functional component: ``` function MyComponent(props) { return props.someBoolean...