Jeremy Long

Results 106 comments of Jeremy Long

Thanks for ping me on this one:

Likely one of the dependencies has an embedded DLL file that is being picked up by the .net assembly analyzer. You can disable the analyzer: ```groovy dependencyCheck { analyzers {...

@dependabot ignore this dependency

See the sample suppression file: (line 38). Is this what you are looking for? It might not work as expected as the suppression rules are currently `or` conditions...

We are not a plugin for apache. Not sure what you are asking for.

Maybe add `--log odc.log` to see the log file. As stated above - the provided output does not show any errors. If I had to guess - running ODC multiple...

This should be fixed with the next release (patched via #4935).

We accept PR ;) Honestly, most of the other language/tech stacks have come from PRs.

One of the best ways is to look at the analyzer for a language that is similar. I'm not sure if there is a lock file that declares the dependencies...

@sticksen additional documentation would be great.