Jeremy Long

Results 106 comments of Jeremy Long

Okay - the error you are seeing appears to be because s3 is unreliable?? Have you been able to replicate the error downloading the file via curl?

Specifically - I'm wondering what the error code is.

The database is intended to work across versions of ODC. In the cases where we've had breaking changes related to the database it has been documented in the release notes...

I was just re-reading some of the ODC code. Are there other errors reported in the log around where you received the download failed because the connection was reset?

There is a chance this is related to a TLS issue as opposed to stability of the downloads.

What happens if you configure TLS like this: `-Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3`?

while not a correct fix at all - but might be a workaround until I can figure out what is going on with the connection resets. Simply copy the cache...

not a clue - but you could add something like `build.dependsOn dependencyCheckAnalyze`.

I think there is an interesting possibility with this - but this is not what I was trying to describe in the related issue. Due to timelines this PR may...

If ODC was unable to determine the license the column will be blank.