Jeremy Boggs
Jeremy Boggs
Have had requests on a couple of separate projects to be able to sort items in the admin by different fields, including: - Date Modified - DC:Publisher - User There...
A feature idea I'd like to work on is adding support for local paths for files. Instead of relying on a full HTTP address being in the CSV file, allow...
In-progress imports don't have an action to pause or stop the import altogether. There was an undo button in the 1.5 branch of the plugin. I think it'd be handy...
Omeka 2.0 includes Dublin Core metadata for Collections, including the DC:Date field. We should consider whether to make timelines from collection records and other kinds of records.
The item bubble only shows a really small square thumbnail for items. Consider showign a bigger version of files, including playable audio and video.
The intervals for timeline bands should be options the user can set for each timeline. This would require adding a database column and saving these options to the NeatlineTimeTimeline record....
We currently rely on the setting for items_per_page to determine how many timelines to display per page. It might be better to add our own General setting for timeline record...
Users can currently zoom a timeline with their mouse wheel, but it would be more intuitive to add some buttons or other UI elements to zoom a timeline.
Create a user interface to customize design of the timeline to better match the selected public theme. Make this global for all timelines, and modifiable for specific timelines. Properties to...
Add a items/timeline view, to be able to see any query of items on a timeline from the items/browse view.