Results 4 issues of unkindleds

I got the following error when I ran `bazelisk mobile-install`: ``` ERROR: /private/var/tmp/*/738fc54fee5051b993b283099c23f8de/external/maven/BUILD:9056:11: Desugaring external/maven/v1/https/ for Android failed: (Exit 1): desugar_java8 failed: error executing command (cd /private/var/tmp/*/738fc54fee5051b993b283099c23f8de/execroot/doc_android_client && \ exec...

公司项目中准备使用文件存储来替换掉之前使用的数据库存储,这是一个好的实现吗? 大家在什么情景下使用文件存储,什么情景下使用数据库存储呢?

I was using the Bazel benchamrk and got the following error: ``` java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not run command /usr/local/bin/bazel build //assemble/doc-sdk-demo:doc-sdk-demo Output: ====== Command 'build //assemble/doc-sdk-demo:doc-sdk-demo' not found. Try 'bazel help'....

I'm using grazel to migrate my gradle project to bazel. After `./gradlew migrateToBazel`, I ran `bazelisk mobile-install` and got the following error: ``` ERROR: */doc-android-client/BUILD.bazel:31:16: no such target '@maven//:org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin_parcelize_runtime': target...
