Jerald Patalinghug
Jerald Patalinghug
This is my config,  
I've tried using Wikiki/bulma-extensions#20 (comment) but it gave me "StepsWizard is not defined"
and also tried `bulmaSteps.attach();` from and it gave me ``` step2:276 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'attach' of undefined at step2:276 ```
Hello, how did you do this? I am using but it gave me **"StepsWizard is not defined"**
the **"torch"** is success, no error before executing that code. 
And here is my sample video, it's GoPro Footage 10 secs long. Link:
nevermind, I just want to test 10 secs video and look for result, I can't afford Colab Pro/PC with 64gb ram. Thanks anyway.
help, what is my problem here? I already have openSSL enabled in PHP
I'm still having hardtime. The libcrypto exist already on my apache and php but still not works.