Jens Grochtdreis

Results 6 comments of Jens Grochtdreis

I modified the browser-constant that way: ````js const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ headless: true, ignoreDefaultArgs: ['--disable-extensions'], args: ['--no-sandbox', '--disable-setuid-sandbox'] }); ```` The source of the changes were two pages: 1....

Both changes had no effect. I will hopfeully have the time to test you ideas in the next days. But in the next days I will be very busy. Sorry.

Thanks a lot, Eric, for this very informative answer. This could be a tutorial :-)

These errors occur, because the validation service changed, as reported in issue #76 . Until the maintainer changes the validation for using the new "nu"-validator-service or someone creates a pull-request,...

You are mostly right. But when images cannot be displayed, the pseudo-elements are present. So you can display a failure notice which will vanish when the image is loaded.

I could eliminate THAT problem bei using [an alternative to JSON.stringify](, as described here: Now I "only" have the problem, that node seems not to like the code in...