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Using Git and GitHub with R, Rstudio, and R Markdown

Results 38 happy-git-with-r issues
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Thanks for this amazing resource! I have now used it to get a bunch of team members started on Git and that is vastly improving my life! I was wondering...

`git update git-for-windows` has been deprecated: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13790592/how-to-upgrade-git-on-windows-to-the-latest-version#:~:text=If%20you%20type%20git%20update,git%2Dfor%2Dwindows%20instead.

Warning! `git update` has been deprecated;

Hi, I'd suggest you add a room in Git-Hell to give some solace to the poor souls who attempt to Commit too much in one go. Some in the blogosphere...

Caveat mentioned at https://happygitwithr.com/ssh-keys#from-rstudio no longer applies. RStudio defaults to keys with the `ed25519` algorithm. > Caveat: RStudio only looks for a key pair named id_rsa and id_rsa.pub. This makes...

Chapter 9.5.3 gives the appearance that git cache or `.Renviron` are the only PAT storage options on Linux. But there are two better options as can be seen in the...

Hi, thanks for the super useful and accessible book. Just spotted a minor mistake here, to keep the intermediate .md files, need to add "keep_md: yes", not "keep_md: true". Best...

Corrected a potential minor typo; added a footnote to clarify the limitation of the free version of GitKraken.

Hi, I am new to Git & GitHub, but I like working in this way and am determined to make it a part of my routine! However, I keep running...

Hi, why I am getting this error? full error: ``` > git_sitrep() Git config (global) • Name: 'avishai987' • Email: '[email protected]' • Global (user-level) gitignore file: • Vaccinated: FALSE ℹ...