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No 'ssh' command found. Using default ssh settings.
Hi, why I am getting this error? full error:
> git_sitrep()
Git config (global)
• Name: 'avishai987'
• Email: '[email protected]'
• Global (user-level) gitignore file: <unset>
• Vaccinated: FALSE
ℹ See `?git_vaccinate` to learn more
ℹ Defaulting to 'https' Git protocol
• Default Git protocol: 'https'
• Default initial branch name: <unset>
• Default GitHub host: 'https://github.com'
• Personal access token for 'https://github.com': '<discovered>'
• GitHub user: 'avishai987'
• Token scopes: 'admin:org, admin:public_key, admin:repo_hook, delete:packages, gist, notifications, project, repo, user, workflow, write:packages'
• Email(s): '[email protected] (primary)', '[email protected]'
✖ Local Git user's email ('[email protected]') doesn't appear to be registered with GitHub.
Git repo for current project
• Active usethis project: '/sci/labs/yotamd/lab_share/avishai.wizel/R_projects/HMSC'
No 'ssh' command found. Using default ssh settings.
Error in ssh_key_info(host = host, auto_keygen = FALSE) :
Failed to find ssh key file for github.com:avishai987
✖ The 'origin' remote is configured, but we can't determine its default branch.
Possible reasons:
- The remote repo no longer exists, suggesting the local remote should
be deleted.
- We are offline or that specific Git server is down.
- You don't have the necessary permission or something is wrong with
your credentials.
• Default branch: 'main'
• Current local branch -> remote tracking branch:
'main' -> '<unset>'
GitHub remote configuration
• Type = 'ours'
• Host = 'https://github.com'
• Config supports a pull request = TRUE
• origin = 'avishai987/HMSC' (can push)
• upstream = <not configured>
• Desc = 'origin' is both the source and primary repo.
Read more about the GitHub remote configurations that usethis supports at:
It's presumably coming from gert::git_find()
If I have to guess, I'd say you have a git repo that has a remote setup with a SSH URL, but then something about your system's SSH setup is deficient or incomplete?