Are you looking to change these parameters before simulation starts?
I don't think this feature is available in the SWMM toolkitapi, which is what pyswmm use. I would make the request here:
@yangdong963 yes, N-Imperv, N-perv, Dstore-imperv, and Dstore-perv are parameters I am planning to expand in subcatchment getters and setters. I did not evaluate the complexity of adding impervious fraction yet....
@tamaddun I am still working on this feature. It's more complex than I originally thought and that's why it is delayed.
This is an known bug in previous versions of pyswmm. It is documented here:
@Zeeck972 I don't think impervious fraction works in previous versions of pyswmm. Although pyswmm setters were set up, I don't think the variables were updating in the swmm model. Please...
This issue will be addressed by issue #75
String must be encoded using Latin-1 before passing to SWMM engine. Previously in older pyswmm versions, six.b() was used before passing to SWMM engine.
@michaeltryby is `dev-unicode` branch where you last worked on this?
Not sure if this has been suggested before, what about a qGIS plugin for PySwmm for GIS functionality?