@yoreland, thanks for your help. But I don't see how this can help me. How do I then display the video of the remote user without sending mine? Could you...
Same problem
Ok, thanks, I saw that page. But It din't make sense to me as you can't upload a file to the file with the same ID.
I saw in your example that you entered https://[HOSTNAME_OR_IP]/v1. How do I get https to work with my IP? Should I install certbot? In my experience, it only works with...
@Imariman, how did you register their plugin in the application file? ConnectycubeFlutterCallKitPlugin.registerWith fails for me. Thanks.
@imariman thanks! Could you please publish a very simple flutter example explaining on how to use their plugin? I'm really struggling. All I want to be able to do is...
@imariman, thanks to you, I managed to show the full screen notification. Can you pls show me how to handle the accept / reject buttons? Thanks
@imariman thanks again. Last question. The init method has no impact as the showCallNotification method cannot be used with an instance. How do I use init and showCallNotification using the...
@imariman you are a gentleman, thanks a million for your help!!!