
Results 10 issues of Jen

Chapter 2 refers to as a login page but it throws `’s server DNS address could not be found.` PS: Thanks for this amazing tutorial! Really good to understand...

Is this library maintained at all? There was code merged in 2020 but the latest release (0.1.0) was done in 2019. Please mark it as deprecated if the project was...

It seems that the verbose flag is not working for some logs or that some logs should depend on this flag. The output below is always showing: ``` (node:56119) [DEP0066]...

On large books, O'Reilly might suddenly throw a 500 error halfway. Create chapters cache to prevent downloading same chapters on retry.


Handle 500 error when downloading a chapter and O'Reilly goes unavailable.


O'Reilly might fail halfway of the download. When downloading the book again, check if image exists before downloading it to speed up the process.


Enable passing multiple book ids in `-b ` flag.


## Checklist for submitting a pull request to `Movies For Hackers`: - [x] I have carefully **read and comply** with the [Contributing Guidelines]( of this repo. - [x] I have...


I get tons of `unused dependency` warnings but they're actually used across the project. Example: ``` warning unused-dependency this dependency is unused and can be removed api/build.gradle:215 implementation 'com.cloudinary:cloudinary-http44:1.33.0' ```...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** OpenTelemetry has a list of supported configurations that the LS Launcher is missing. Example: DB statement sanitization: **Describe the...