
Results 7 comments of Matthew

I also have seen this. On large pictures, it seems to work, but smaller ones disappear.

Why can't you unscrew the controller and screw it on the other axis side and reroute the cables to the other side? You could also change the front door panel...

Please fix this. After the snapmaker is turned off, then back on, a screen request is required. My printer is 3 rooms away and it is very frustrating to have...

A350 with V1.10.1 firmware. Using 3 different G-code models. Steps to recreate: 1. Send gcode from Luban to A350 via WiFi 2. Tap start print on A350 (I noticed the...

What jrntrfs is stating is that the files are organized by date (in my case descending with newest on top). When new files are sent to the Snapmaker, they are...

It still goes back to user experience. 4 clicks versus 1. You could easily have both the "Got It" button and the "Start Print" button on the WiFi received screen.

I also have this issue. Using Luban 4.4.0 on an M1 iMac (Monterrey 12.6) with 16GB RAM. It happens only when there are a large number of items to be...