Jan Zimandl
Jan Zimandl
I had the same issue if the ip address is not reachable. For example my thermometer is disconnected or unplugged. Is this solved in last version? Have you pushed the...
@lucacri is the issue fixed with merge of pull request #29 ?
The version from npm is not working correctly and is not containing last code from here. So actually I switched to https://www.npmjs.com/package/homebridge-advanced-http-temperature-humidity which is working also with disconnected thermometer or...
Same issue. Could you merge this fix to production?
But it looks like that maybe it is fixed in last merge #29 because it is switched to different http library.
Ted jsem jeste narazil na jeden stav. Kdyz ted davaji premieru filmu Vlastnici na CT1. Na webu maj hlasku, ze pujde prehrat az ve 21:40 a playlist url vraci, ze...
Here is different mapping https://immersive-web.github.io/webxr-gamepads-module/#xr-standard-gamepad-mapping index 0 -> Primary trigger, 1 -> Primary squeeze button, 2 -> Primary touchpad, 3 -> Primary thumbstick And for axes [0, 1] -> Primary...
I also checked it right now on my Oculus Go in an [example for controller state](https://immersive-web.github.io/webxr-samples/controller-state.html) and when I press the trigger the first button is pressed:  But when...
I've created a simple custom rule for that: ``` init_with_class_name: name: "Init With Class Name" regex: "((=|,|\\[|:|return)\\s*\\.init\\()" message: "There should be init function with class or structure name. EG: let...
There are a lot of types. Single images for each side, or a CUBESTRIP with different order in row or column. For example here is support for that in html...