Hello all, I just did a clean install of the git and the ESP32 IDF. I used the pio method of building the app and this works for esp32. make...
Hello, I can successfully create an ESP32 image using the provided [`src/app/esp32` ]( yet when I flash cforth to the board, it cant seem to address the provide words in...
``` Gforth 0.7.3, Copyright (C) 1995-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Gforth comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `license' Type `bye' to exit ok ok ok Variable seed ok...
Hello, I just tried accessing the board after loading the bin... and I get an empty screen. ``` ~/DevForth/iceBoard/swapforth/j1a>PYTHONPATH=../shell:$PYTHONPATH python3 -h /dev/ttyUSB1 -p ../common/ ^CContacting... Traceback (most recent call...
Hello, when running `apio verify --board icestick` I get the following error. iverilog -o hardware.out -D VCD_OUTPUT= -D NO_ICE40_DEFAULT_ASSIGNMENTS "C:\Users\jemo0\.apio\packages\tools-oss-cad-suite\share\yosys/ice40/cells_sim.v" j1a.v j1a8k.v j4a.v uart.v j1a.v:186: Include file ../build/ram.v not found...
Hi, I have a Spark ( currently only the board ) where I was looking to boot it and seen all the pads on the board, I started to see...