Ivan Jacob Agaloos Pesigan
Ivan Jacob Agaloos Pesigan
Requesting for symbolic `inv` and `\` to be available for `Diagonal` matrix. The example below returns errors for `inv` and `\` for operations involving a `Diagonal` matrix `D`. ``` julia>...
This is more of a question than an issue really. I tried to look at the Google group, but there seems to be a lack of activity there so I...
RefManageR::ReadBib and RefManageR::WriteBib changes `Ois{\'i}n` to `Ois{\a'\i}n` in ``` @Article{Ryan-Hamaker-2021, author = {Ois{\'i}n Ryan and Ellen L. Hamaker}, date = {2021-06}, journaltitle = {Psychometrika}, title = {Time to intervene: A...
Would you kindly provide guidance on how to add a translational abstracts or public significance statements in APA 7 format using apa7-latex-cls? Thanks! https://www.apa.org/pubs/journals/resources/translational-messages