MPUOrientation copied to clipboard
MPU implemented as a compass compatible with Arduino Framework at C.
MPUOrientation - Compass with IMU calculations
Not every sensor comes with a library which include orientation calculation. This library is compatible with C and C++ compilers and solve the calculations by applying the Kalman filter.
ESP32 native Core problem with I2C
The Arduino IDE with Espressif native port for ESP32 has conflicted with Wire
So I met the core of stickbreaker (click here) so currently is not necessary any change in the code between ESP32 and ESP8266.
The code pressupose a valid and calibrated value to sensors input.
Including LIB
#include <MPUOrientation.h>
Creating contexts
Contexts are useful in recursive operations (like in Kalman filter). So we need to use one for each MPU.
pCompassContext CNTX = createContext();
Calculating time between recall (Arduino)
//Declare global variable:
uint32_t timer;
// Inside loop(), when need to use delta time "dt"
double dt = (double)(micros() - timer) / 1000000; // Calculate as second
timer = micros(); // Reset time
Calculating orientation as IMUFullFusion
IMUFullFusion SENS;
SENS.ACCEL.x = IMU.getAccelX_mss();
SENS.ACCEL.y = IMU.getAccelY_mss();
SENS.ACCEL.z = IMU.getAccelZ_mss();
SENS.GYRO.x = IMU.getGyroX_rads();
SENS.GYRO.y = IMU.getGyroY_rads();
SENS.GYRO.z = IMU.getGyroZ_rads();
SENS.MAG.x = IMU.getMagX_uT();
SENS.MAG.y = IMU.getMagY_uT();
SENS.MAG.z = IMU.getMagZ_uT();
// Context, ALGO, IMUFullFusion and time variance in seconds
IMUOrientation ori = getFullOrientation(CNTX, ALGO_SOMETHING, SENS, dt);
Or calculating orientation as IMUFusion (no Mag)
SENS.ACCEL.x = IMU.getAccelX_mss();
SENS.ACCEL.y = IMU.getAccelY_mss();
SENS.ACCEL.z = IMU.getAccelZ_mss();
SENS.GYRO.x = IMU.getGyroX_rads();
SENS.GYRO.y = IMU.getGyroY_rads();
SENS.GYRO.z = IMU.getGyroZ_rads();
// Context, ALGO, IMUFusion and time variance in seconds
IMUOrientation ori = getOrientation(CNTX, ALGO_SOMETHING, SENS, dt);
Remember to replace "ALGO_SOMETHING" by ALGO_KALMAN_V1
Print orientation
Serial.printf( "\t%f\t%f\t%f\n", ori.pitch, ori.roll, ori.yaw );
This and other examples you can find in examples folder.
Some optimizations
We consider to port the libfixmath
to reduce cycles of calculation. Maybe a #define will be included in next versions of compassSet.h
Description about examples
Examble path | Functionality |
ESP-NO-LIB | Calculate the axis Pitch , Roll and Yaw using magnetometer without the library. |
ESP-Kalman-NO-MAG | Calculate the axis Pitch and Roll with the library. |
ESP-Kalman-Compass | Calculate the axis Pitch , Roll and Yaw with the library. |
ESP-Madgwick-Kalman-Full-Compare | A comparision between Kalman Filter and Madgwick quaternions calculation result. Compatible with processing script "Graph" |
ESP-All-Full-Compare | A comparision bretween all fusion algorithms. Compatible with processing script "Graph3Mod". |
Kalman Filter
. Now is already ported. -
Download here
. That's a fork from original library from bolderflight but with some implementations that I made for ESP8266/ESP32 in the "begin" function.